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Femi Slim
A revolutionary formula,
made from natural extracts and vitamins

You are not alone. Many people struggle with their weight. Many have body image concerns, it's a journey. It won't be easy at times. But it's worth it. Losing weight can dramatically reduce serious health risks such as type 2 diabetes and heart disease. But more than that, managing our weight can help us feel better about ourselves. Some people can lose weight by changing their habits and some also need help with medication. Unlike drugs, Femi Slim helps with suitable herbal food supplements without side effects. Let's start your journey today.
Femi Slim is an innovative food supplement for weight loss and body sculpting. Contains carnitine, enriched with selected herbs, such as Garcinia Gambogia, Honeysuckle, Green Tea, Green Coffee Beans and vitamins B6, B1.
FIRST week: Soothes the central nervous system. Improves sleep quality. Suppresses the appetite. Weight loss of 1-3 kg*.
SECOND week: Detox Eliminates excess fluids and improves digestion. Weight loss of 1-3 kg*.
THIRD week: Burns fat, accelerates the natural process of oxidation of body fat and its separation. It helps to reduce body fat, therefore body volume and weight. Weight loss of 1-3 kg*.
FOURTH week: Maintenance of the results. The supplement supports the maintenance of muscle mass, contributing to a more toned and shapely physical appearance. This prevents weight gain despite relatively high calorie consumption
Clinical tests
Clinically Studied Metabolism Booster and Appetite Suppressant: As one of the few weight loss supplements for women and men clinically proven to increase energy, fat burning and metabolic rate, Femi Slim has set a new precedent for weight loss and weight support. Containing ingredients like caffeine and green tea extract, this highly stimulating fat burner can help support your fitness goals.

Garcinia is a plant that belongs to the genus Gambogia and grows in Australia and Asia. It contains an active ingredient called hydroxycitric acid. This helps in weight loss as it increases the utilization of stored fat in the body. In addition, it reduces lipids in the blood.
Green Tea is believed to increase the metabolic rate and for this reason is one of the best dietary supplements for weight loss.
The European Medicines Agency (EMA) and the Committee for Medicinal Products of Herbal Origin (HMPC) have approved the use of Green Tea as a traditional herbal aid for the relief of symptoms of fatigue and weakness.
Green Coffee contains the active chlorogenic acid (chlorogenic acid – CGA), which has been studied for its beneficial effects on glucose metabolism and weight loss.
Honeysuckle flowers are used to improve gut health and boost digestion - so the body can better break down fats, carbohydrates and proteins and absorbs beneficial for you nutrients!
Carnitine is considered one of the most important fat burners! Among the most well-known and well-studied substances for increasing energy levels, is Carnitine. Scientists classify it as one of the most important fat dissolvers, which play an important role in fat metabolism, while athletes, people with low energy levels and even in the treatment of pathological conditions often use carnitine supplements

• Prevents lipogenesis
• Fat burner
• Burning of stored fat
• Antioxidant
• Aids in digestion
• Wakes up the metabolism
• Gives energy
• Spiritual Clarity
• Proper blood circulation
• Improves the skin
• ONLY herbal ingredients. No toxins and no chemical
The food supplement contains coffee, green tea, carnitine which is an amino acid, & carcinia cambogia.
* No side effects
* Consult your doctor if you have a health problem

👉 All Nutritional Supplements Are Manufactured In Accordance With Strict European Directives And Regulations & IS022000 And Are Approved By The Cyprus Ministry Of Health
Receiving the “Arch of Europe Award”
The International Organization BID (Business Initiative Directions) based on the facts by IAE (International Arch of Europe Award for Quality TQM 100), granted the company the Gold Award Arch of Europe which is the International award for Quality.
Receiving an Award from the President of Cyprus
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